Eye Pro comments

Displays information about the brakes you have to take to avoid eye strain

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rating morteza HM
Thanks a lot to the developer. It helps to be safe. It is nice! But when I used this on a virtual system (VirtualBox) it's behaviour was unexpected!. It loaded many many times and fill my taskbar (more than 30 overloaded) and crashed! I have such expeince only on one virtual machine, elsewher it woks fine!

May 17, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating mtotguzzibob
App opens for a nano second before closing, so settings can't be made

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Had the same problem. Right-click on the icon in the taskbar tray, select Restore, and the settings screen stays open.

The short-break pop-up has nice information but disappears before I can read it.

Mar 4, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(1) | Reply
Right-click on the eye-pro icon in the task tray, select Restore, and the Settings screen stays open.

Hints pop-up disappears faster than I can read it.

Mar 4, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(1) | Reply
It is really nice when the app cares about your eyes)

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It is complete freeware with useful add-on tools which can reduce eye strains.

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If you are an avid computer user, you should definitely try this. Smile Good Clapping Friends

Was it helpful?  yes(3) no(1) | Reply

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